65 yr old male pt AKI ON CKD 2° TO HTN


Cheif complaints: A 65year old man came to hospital with complaints of fever on and off , tightness of abdomen ,facial puffiness since 15 days
  History of present illness: 
A 65 year old male toddy tree climber by profession was apparently asymptomatic 10 years back then he was had swelling and pain abdomen for which he was diagnosed with- lt sided inguinal hernia and got operated in some private hospital. Preoperative and postoperative period was uneventful 
4 years back patient had complaint of giddiness for which he approached government hospital physician and was diagnosed Hypertension[170/90] and was started on some unknown medication 

6 months back patient had complaint of bilateral pedal edema for which investigations were done and found his serum creatinine elevated (4.3 ) and proteins in urine 

CT scan showed unilateral (lt)staghorn renal calculi and bilateral inguinoscrotal hernia 

DTPA scan was done showing decreased GFR on left side( 12%) and right (88%)

For these he was started on supportive medications like ( cinidipine t, dytor and some multivitamins) and was on regular medication

 From past 15 days patient developed fever on and off , low grade which is subsiding on dolo once daily ,(sometimes tepid sponging), evening rise of temp present , not associated with chills and rigors ,not associated with pain abdomen , nausea, vomiting, loose stools ,burning micturition, cough ,night sweats.

From past 5 days patient also had decreased appetite and tightness in abdomen,facial puffiness, shortness of breath and pedal oedema for which he was investigated  

Patient is not a k/c/o dm,tb,epilepsy,thyroid abnormality.

Patient is alcoholic (occasional drinker 1 quarter a month) stopped from past 6 months

On Examination : 

Patient is conscious ,coherent ,cooperative

Oriented to time place and person

No signs of pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing ,lymphadenopathy

Edema + (pitting type grade1)
Local examination: 

Git - 

Inspection - abdomen distended ,no visible scars or pulsation, no venous engorgement seen skin appears normal 

? Scar of prev hernia surg seen at inguinal region

No other masses palpable  

Tenderness +(mild) suprapubic area and rt hypochondrium

No organomegaly felt 


Normal resonant notes present over abdomen

Liver dullness at 5th ics


Normal bowel sounds were heard

No bruit present 

CVS - No inspectory findings seen ( raised jvp, pulsations) 

Palpation - apex beat normal , non displaced

Percussion- heart borders are within normal limits

Auscultation - S1 and S2 heard No bruit and murmurs present

Resp - normal vesicular breath sounds were heard

No other abnormalities are seen


No sensory and motor abnormalities seen

Cranial nerves normal

No cerebellar signs seen

Higher mental functions are normal

Provisional diagnosis

Post renal AKI 2° to Chronic kidney disease and ? HTN

Investigations : 



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